Fantom General Update | November 21 2022

Fantom General Update | November 21 2022

Key highlights of the last two weeks.

Gitcoin Grants Applications are open

Builders can now apply through the Gitcoin Grants Hub.

Applications will be open until December 4, 2022.

To learn more about Fantom’s new Grant System, check out our previous article.

Fantom user survey - the results

Thanks to over 650 responders finishing the survey and providing us with valuable insights into how the Fantom community and users tick.

Some insights

  • 56% have been using crypto for more than two years; 64% for more than one year
  • 62% of users who stake participate in liquid staking
  • 69% of users have used a Fantom dApp at least twice a week in 2022

👉 Get the full analysis in our article

Andre Cronje release new articles about Fantom

Andre Cronje released not one, but TWO new articles last week

What makes NFTs on Fantom different?

Dive into how artists, collaboration and community set the NFT ecosystem on Fantom apart.

In this case study, learn how Geist Finance and Chainlink work together to ensure security & consistency during periods of high market volatility.

Fantom at Token2049 London

Fantom will speak at Quantum Miami

Andre Cronje will speak during Quantum Miami this coming January.

Network Stats

There are a total of 950 ERC-1155 token contracts on Fantom.

🔦 Ecosystem Spotlight: Bubblemaps

📹 The future of Fantom

🎧 Fantom x Umbria AMA + Summary

🏦 How to onboard onto Fantom without a centralized exchange