Fantom General Update | July 04 2022

Fantom General Update | July 04 2022

It’s time for our recap of the last 14 days in the Fantom ecosystem.

Chainlink Keepers enable developers to automate smart contracts. Benefits for teams include:

  • Decentralized execution
  • Increased efficiency
  • Enhanced security
  • Reduced costs

Keepers open up a number of use cases, such as yield compounding, liquidations, DEX limit orders and automated trading strategies.

Chainlin VRF provides provably random numbers. VRF has a broad spectrum of applications, like generating loot boxes in video games, NFT trait distribution and picking whitelist winners.

👉 For the full details and use cases, head over to our blog post.

Watch the complete recap of Fantom @ Consensus 2022

The video is now available here.

The Piece is bringing fractionalized NFTs to Fantom

The Piece allows a broader holder base to hold blue-chip NFTs by enabling partial ownership via fractionalization.

For more details, check out their blog post.

QiDao releases v2

New features include a new liquidation engine, updated risk management measures and multiple frontends.

Network Stats

48% of all circulating FTM are staked, securing the network.

🔦 The newest ecosystem spotlights feature NFT project Slothtopia and Bitcoin-backed Orkan by Strudel DAO.

🎧 Fantom CEO Michael Kong joined the Twitter space of insurance protocol Solace to discuss Fantom, insurance and the future of DeFi. You can also check the written summary.

💬 Blockpour x Fantom AMA with Michael Kong.

🎨25 Tweet thread-comic on the Fantom ecosystem. Big thanks to DefiRobot!