Fantom General Update | April 24, 2023

Fantom General Update | April 24, 2023

Welcome to the latest General Update!

Over the past two weeks, we have published several spotlight articles, featured an article showcasing gifted artists on Fantom who are exploring NFTs, while Vertical Blocks delivered strong video content!

Join us as we recap the latest developments in the world of Fantom.

News and developments

Apr 13

Read about Equalizer's liquidity incentivization, their approach to reward both liquidity providers and token holders, and their reasons for deploying on Fantom.

Apr 17

Blockchain games have emerged as a major trend and often are touted as a powerful means of driving adoption, but are they really the future of gaming? @ash_ksmo takes a look.

Apr 19

Fantom has attracted a diverse group of artists and collectors, each contributing to a vibrant non-fungible artistic universe. Let’s take a look at some of these artists’ work!

Apr 20

Read about levy's crypto journey’s start on a sketchy Second Life marketplace, their belief in DeFi overturning traditional finance, and their work on =DAO on Fantom.

New integrations

Vertical Blocks

Vertical Blocks, the one-stop place for everything blockchain, Fantom, and beyond, pushed out several pieces of content over the last two weeks.

How Can Wallets Provide A Better Experience?

Cultivating a Decentralized Mindset

Fantom Experience and Creating Content

Tokenizing Recycling in Latin America