Fantom General Update | 21st September 2020

Fantom General Update | 21st September 2020

A little housekeeping item before jumping into the news of the last weeks: We are back with our bi-weekly updates starting today!

With these, you’ll get a brief overview of everything happening around Fantom in one neat little package every two weeks.

If you never want to miss any news again, subscribe to our newsletter to deliver it straight to your inbox.

Fantom Finance launched. fMint is live.

The rollout of our DeFi suite has started! Right now, users can lock up FTM to mint the fUSD stablecoin and receive rewards. Over the next few weeks, we will add fSwap and fLend to bring more functionalities to the Fantom community.

Read the guide on how to get started here.

Band Protocol oracles are live on mainnet.

Band Protocol will be providing critical data feeds for Fantom’s DeFi suite featuring stablecoin minting, lending/borrowing, and trading of synthetic assets.

Additionally, developers can integrate Band oracles into their dApps.

Learn more about our partnership with Band Protocol here

Fluid staking is live

The new staking model went live at Epoch 1600 on September 10, 2020.

In July, 74% of FTM holders voted in favor of the proposal to reduce inflation for more sustainable network growth. Also, the system offers users maximum flexibility. Stakers can decide on how long to lock-up their FTM for staking, with rewards increasing linearly with time.

Read more about fluid staking here and here.

Fantom partners with Waves and Gravity

Waves, Fantom and Gravity partnership

Waves and Fantom are working together to bring cross-chain communication to DeFi via the Gravity network. As part of the partnership, the WAVES token will also be added to Fantom Finance as collateral.

Take a look at the announcement.

In case you missed it:

Fantom Finance concludes user testing

We selected 15 community members to test our whole DeFi suite before launch to gain valuable feedback on potential bugs and the overall user experience. The sentiment was very positive: 93.3% of the testers were satisfied or very satisfied with the DeFi suite.

Check the results and impressions yourself.

Fantom announces support for additional tokens to be used as collateral on Fantom Finance

Next to WAVES, we announced two other tokens that will be available on Fantom Finance as collateral to mint fUSD and access our DeFi features: ONT and TOKO.

Fantom x Frontier DeFi integration

Frontier and Fantom collaborate to allow users easy access to Fantom DeFi and FTM staking. Frontier serves as an interface for users of other popular crypto wallets to interact with smart contract logic and DeFi applications from within their existing apps.

Check out the announcement.

Fantom releases additional details around its partnership with the Afghan Ministry of Health

We’re working with Afghanistan’s Ministry of Health on a pilot project to track 80,000 pharmaceuticals to prevent counterfeit drugs from harming people.

Find out more about why pharmaceutical tracking is essential in our case study.

For a more detailed behind the scenes, see how Fantom, together with Chekkit, helps authenticate products in Afghanistan.

Make sure to follow us on Twitter for the latest announcements, and come hang out in our Discord – we’re having an AMA Wednesday 23rd at 12pm GMT and the team will answer all your questions.