Fantom Ecosystem Spotlight – HyperJump

Fantom Ecosystem Spotlight – HyperJump

Pardon the pun, but HyperJump has been moving at warp speed! An established pioneer and early Fantom supporter, HyperJump was the first project on the Fantom network to offer a multi-chain game and a crypto on-ramp via banking card. Soon, it will be the first to release stop-loss triggers to liquidity pools and a smart vault system promising an “always growing APY” sustained, in part, through protocol-owned liquidity in other projects.

1. What is Hyperjump?

HyperJump is an all-in-one DeFi ecosystem of dApps currently offering safe and stable services to BNB Chain and Fantom users. We focus on constant development and production to bring users safe and enjoyable ways to benefit from all that DeFi offers.

2. How do you introduce Hyperjump to a DeFi novice?

Imagine being able to play a variety of games on the same platform where you trade and access: live charts, security tools, vaults, liquidity pools, a growing bridge with near-zero fees for some tokens, and an on-ramp that lets you use banking cards to buy crypto. Okay, stop imagining and visit HyperJump to find everything in one place!

3. Can you give us a rundown of what Hyperjump offers?

HyperJump offers many services for users:

  • HyperSwap: AMM/DEX for analytics and trading tokens with charts. Other services include one-click liquidity pool token creation through Zap and one-click liquidity management and moving with Warp. A trade-to-earn feature is in production.
  • Asteroid Farms: A yield farming platform where you can stake liquidity pool tokens and earn JUMP tokens as a reward. Features to protect users from impermanent loss will soon be integrated.
  • Mech Staking: Grow your holdings by staking JUMP tokens.
  • Star-Vaults: A yield-optimizer that auto-harvests and compounds your earnings. Star-Vaults v2 will include ever-increasing APYs and protocol-owned liquidity.
  • Unrekt: A tool for managing which contracts have access to your tokens. We are expanding this tool to provide additional essential safety features.
  • HyperHeist: A fun play-to-earn game with a sustainable earnings system for the best players.
  • Vortex bridge: A Fantom-BNB bridge offering near-zero fees and commission reimbursements for some networks.
  • Galactic Lottery: A DeFi lottery that uses Chainlink VRF technology.
  • Crypto on-ramp: Allows users to use a banking card to purchase crypto in more than 53 countries. Off-ramp functionality is forthcoming.

4. How did you come up with Hyperjump, and what inspired you?

HyperJump launched on Binance Smart Chain ‒ now called BNB Smart Chain ‒ in September 2019 as a project named Thugs. Back then, the founding team was mainly from the USA and made up of crypto veterans.

As the team expanded, the idea came about to move to a more widely accessible brand to represent our love of video games and the potential of GameFi on blockchain.

Shortly after launching the new brand on BNB, we saw the same explosive growth pattern on Fantom. As Fantom was simultaneously attracting a strong community, we decided to launch on the chain ASAP.

5. What is your background?

The team is filled with individuals with years of experience in crypto and their respective disciplines. We have front and back-end developers, game developers, marketing professionals, artists, and administrators from several industries. Our community builders and volunteers also play a major role in developing the protocol.

6. How did you learn about Fantom?

One of our original team members, CryptoSamurai/Decentralized, was well connected with people already making waves in the Fantom community.

We had evaluated many possible chains to launch on but ultimately, he sealed the deal with his constant bullishness. We couldn’t be happier that he did!

7. Why did you decide to build on Fantom?

For us, Fantom represented a new and quickly growing ecosystem built on a scalable, fast, inexpensive chain with a low carbon footprint and great marketing.

8. What has it been like building on Fantom, and what is one thing you wish you knew when you first set out?

Building on Fantom has been great. There have been growing pains, but that’s expected when transaction volumes soar and keep setting all-time highs.

One thing we wish we had known when setting out was the benefit of having a true cross-chain token, as we initially launched with different tokens on each chain. Because of Fantom’s amazing capabilities, we chose Fantom as our token’s mother chain when we re-launched our token to be interoperable.

9. Where does DeFi go from here? What are your hopes for DeFi most broadly?

We hope that DeFi and GameFi become increasingly strong markets in the near and far future. To achieve that, DeFi really needs to amp up its usability for onboarding new users.

We feel that the speed and fees on Fantom offer a massive advantage for the projects building here.

10. How did the community receive Hyperjump?

When we launched on Fantom, our TVL went to almost 400m in just a couple of days ‒ it was absolutely massive!

Our project is mainly run by community members for the community, so we’ve degen’d with the best of them. We understand the community perspective and how to communicate effectively.

Our tokens HYPR and AURORA are both for community governance of the platform. They will play an important role as we become more decentralized.

11. What’s coming up for Hyperjump? Free alpha!

We will soon launch our next-gen vaults. These are going to combine several services in one, making them the first of their kind:

  • Classic yield aggregation
  • Investment management tools
  • Protocol owned liquidity in other projects, providing ever-increasing APY and governance over external protocols

Additionally, we are soon releasing stop-loss protection on our AMM LP tokens, allowing our users to automatically protect themselves from impermanent loss and develop creative new strategies for yield farming.

Ok, well, just a bit more alpha: Our AMM v2 will draw much-needed attention with many additions, including a new gamified trade-to-earn feature.

12. What would you like to say to fellow developers who haven’t started building on Fantom?

Choose to innovate, or if you’re forking, do it better. Get involved in the communities of other projects and start meeting folks in the community ‒ especially devs.

Get active and feel the pulse of what’s going on on Fantom. Choose a path, and don’t be discouraged if the going gets tough. Just do your best to underpromise and over-deliver.

Engage with HyperJump:

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