Fantom Ecosystem Spotlight – Duelist King

If you’re an avid gamer who has not yet learned about Duelist King, you’re in for a treat this week. The project is set to release its public alpha-version of the game on 15 April, and as the sneak peek offered already suggested, this game will be incredible. In Duelist King, vivid adventure-themed art meets strategy- and timing-based gameplay to take play-to-earn to the next level.
1. For a gamer new to your project and maybe even to blockchain, what is Duelist King?
Powered by a Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO), oracle, and random number generator, Duelist King is the first generational NFT card game that transforms the way people play, participate and earn in card games. Duelist King features top-notch gameplay, asset designs, and sustainable Win2Earn opportunities.
2. What makes Duelist King and blockchain gaming different from card games?
Mainstream card games are pretty much all the same. You buy a game digitally or off the shelf and play it until you complete it. With Duelist King, there is more value than just basic card gameplay. Duelist King uses blockchain and NFTs to allow you to earn while enjoying the thrill of the game.
3. Is Duelist King a play-to-earn game?
Duelist King is unique among blockchain games. Our innovative Win2Earn model means that players will eventually be able to compete in Duelist King esports tournaments to win NFTs and our token DKT.
But alongside offering Win2Earn opportunities, our mission is to build an exciting, nuanced game worthy of any mainstream title on the market today.
4. What games inspired you?
Card-based games like Yu-gi-oh! inspired us, and we draw inspiration from their game mechanics and cool character design.
5. How did you get into NFTs?
Our team has a wealth of experience in the blockchain space. The transition into NFTs for our co-founders was easy, given their expertise and their ambition to use NFTs and blockchain to empower gamers beyond what traditional games and publishers can do.
6. What can you tell us about the artwork on the cards?
Our expert designers designed our card art. These designs are bespoke and unique to each card. Likewise, based on our card design and descriptions, we have developed high-level card stories to build out our game lore, which is incredibly important for community engagement and game quality.

7. What can you tell us about the Duelist King team background, and what’s important for us to know about you?
The Duelist King team has a vast range of experiences and expertise in the blockchain space.
Dzung (Chiro Hiro), our CEO, was the R&D Engineer of Cardano Labo Vietnam/Infinity Blockchain Labs, one of Vietnam's first and leading blockchain startups.
Our other founders have prior experience working for Binance and building tech projects from the ground up.
Similarly, our team is international, with marketing, copywriting, design, and game development expertise.
8. How did you discover Fantom, and what do you like about it?
Fantom is one of the fastest open-source smart contract platforms for digital assets and apps. We found Fantom to be the perfect solution to facilitate smart contract outputs that enable us to support a cross-chain platform for NFTs and, eventually, Duelist King tokens. The platform is growing rapidly; thus, it was the perfect fit.
9. What advice do you have for someone looking to develop a game project on Fantom?
Fantom is growing at a breakneck speed. We suggest working with the team over at Fantom to facilitate your game needs. The space is about collaboration, so the more communication, the better output.
10. What is your community like, and how have they received you?
Our community is fantastic. We have an incredibly loyal and generous community that engages enthusiastically with us and is dedicated to onboarding new members. We are proud to have their backing.
11. What is DKDAO?
DKDAO, the umbrella project for the game Duelist King, is rebranding to the Orochi Network. The Orochi Network oversees development for Duelist King and develops innovative products like the Orochi Wallet, which will revolutionize NFT management and security on blockchain.
The mission of the Orochi Network is to bring value to gaming and its communities. We see gaming as both art and community-owned. Players and creators have the right to digital asset ownership/control, and the Orochi Wallet is our foremost step toward realizing this vision.
12. What’s next for your project? Free alpha!
On April 15th at 12 pm UTC, we will release our public alpha of Duelist King, which will be open to absolutely anyone to play. We can’t wait to show you what we’ve been working on! Likewise, we will release our V4 cards, a Duelist King beta, and other initiatives down the road.
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