Fantom General Update | May 03 2021

Fantom General Update | May 03 2021

In the last two weeks the Fantom ecosystem has seen unprecedented growth. Here’s your overview.

Fantom network completes successful upgrade

The Go-Opera update went live on April 29, further improving the network’s performance and reliability.

  • Time-to-finality has been optimized. On average, a transaction takes 1 second to be finalized.
  • Improved decentralization: New nodes can join the network more easily as a) P2P synchronization has become 3 times faster, b) new nodes won’t need to process previous events.
  • Event emission has also become more efficient, making the network more resilient during suboptimal conditions like slow propagation between nodes

👉 Check out all the improvements

HyperChain Capital invests $15m into Fantom

HyperChain Capital, a leading digital assets management company, has acquired an additional $15 million stake in the Fantom ecosystem through the purchase of FTM. HyperChain has invested $2.5 million into Fantom in 2018 and is running a validator node through its subsidiary Hyperblocks.

👉 HyperChain announces $15m investment into Fantom

Project launches on Fantom

SpiritSwap: A native DEX on Fantom offering trading, farming and staking, with more features planned.

ZooCoin: Ecosystem of fun blockchain projects, such as DEX charts, NFT marketplace and a wallet.

HyperJump: DeFi protocol of different projects, like a DEX.

BitGem: NFT farming protocol that lets you stake tokens to mint NFTs.

Fantom gives out grants to support devs #BuildOnOpera

SpiritSwap and SpookySwap received a grant from the Fantom Foundation to continue their work within the Fantom ecosystem. The grant follows SpiritSwap and SpookySwap achieving $165m and $30m in TVL while also being drivers of the tremendous growth in addresses and daily transactions in the last days.

HyperJump also received a grant and will use it for a community giveaway.

Finally, ZooCoin was given a grant for their development of a unified DeFi ecosystem.

Barek Sekandari named COO of Fantom Foundation

In his previous role as Chief Government Relations Officer, Barek played a leading role in securing government contracts in South Asia. Congrats Barek on your promotion to Chief Operating Officer!

👉 Barek Sekandari announced as COO

Fantom meeting with regional Pakistani government

Fantom in the media

Coindesk: $15m into Fantom investment by HyperChain

Yahoo Finance: Opera Network upgrade boost FTM price

Cointelegraph: FTM surges after network upgrade 5 things that can make Fantom the ideal blockchain for all

Entrepreneur: Fantom partners with Formula 1 driver Pierre Gasly

Fantom network stats

With these high-quality project launches and increasing social engagement on Twitter, we saw a tremendous growth in network activity.

Over 77,000 Fantom wallets have been created by users. That is a 70% increase month-over-month.

And users are active: 200,000+ daily transactions, meaning an average of 2,6 daily transactions per wallet.

Simone was interviewed by Fantom supporter Intro to DeFi, talking about the basics of Fantom, real-life use cases, UX, governance and new project launches on Fantom.

With so many projects coming to Fantom, it’s difficult to keep an overview. Here’s a great ecosystem infographic by our community member Alexej.