HyperChain announces $15m investment into Fantom

HyperChain announces $15m investment into Fantom

Sydney, Australia – April 27, 2021 – HyperChain Capital, a leading digital assets management company focused on blockchain projects and decentralized protocols, announced that it has acquired an additional $15 million stake in the Fantom ecosystem through the purchase of FTM, the platform native token.

This additional backing, which follows an initial investment of $2.5 million made in 2018, reflects HyperChain’s confidence in both Fantom core technologies and the rapid adoption of Fantom by end-users and developers.

Founded in 2018, the Fantom Foundation is building a highly scalable blockchain ecosystem that facilitates decentralized, scalable, and secure applications.

Fantom offers full EVM compatibility with cross-chain functionality: at present, more than 2200 smart contracts have been deployed on the platform. Transactions surpassed 150,000/day, and unique addresses are growing by the thousands.

Ethereum developers can use the same tools they’re used to, such as Hardhat, Remix, and FTMscan – the Fantom explorer built by the Etherscan team – for a seamless cross-chain experience. Multichain.xyz allows users to swap assets cross-chain from Ethereum to Fantom and back.

Additionally, both developers and users on the Fantom network can engage with dApps using familiar tools like Metamask as they enjoy near-instant (~1 second) transaction settlement and near-zero fees.

Hyperchain Capital is directly involved in securing the network as well, through its subsidiary Hyperblocks. Hyperblocks is one of the first companies in PoS infrastructure in the world and runs validator nodes on Fantom.

Regarding Hyperchain’s sustained interest in Fantom, CEO and founder Stelian Balta suggested that: “Fantom remains one of the most exciting and innovative projects in the industry. We’re impressed by the constant technological advancements and the expansion of business development in Asia to tackle real-world issues. Michael Kong (CEO), Quan Nguyen (CTO), and Andre Cronje give us great confidence that Fantom will continue to both innovate and pave the way for the mass adoption of blockchain-based applications.”

Along with Fantom, HyperChain was an early investor in Bitcoin, Ethereum, Cosmos, Polkadot and many more. With a mission statement that succinctly promises “to do good,” HyperChain has set the standard for identifying innovative and emerging blockchain protocols globally.