Fantom user survey – the results

In October, we ran an open survey to help us better define our users and their needs. The study was a resounding success: we had 655 responders complete the survey, with over 1000 participating in total.
The information you shared will play an important role in helping us structure our future marketing and communication initiatives based on your priorities and needs.
Here are some of the results we gathered.
- 79% of users are in the 25-44 age bracket
- 56% have been using crypto for more than two years; 64% for more than one yearInsight: The broad age group of our users more or less aligns with more general surveys focused on crypto users, though Fantom users skew slightly older. The fact that the majority are not new to crypto suggests that our users tend to be more experienced and likely were involved in the last crypto bear market – 2019-2020.
- 62% of users who stake participate in liquid staking
- 69% of users have used a Fantom dApp at least twice a week in 2022
dApp usage dovetails with these statistics

- Insight: The Fantom community is comprised of power users of DeFi protocols.
- Many of the responses to the question about what Fantom can do better align with current work being done in the background, namely:
- Bringing added functionality to the fWallet
- Maintain transparency and offer clearer guidance on tech development
- Offering educational content via Instagram and YouTube
- Better NFT tooling
What’s next?
Survey participants who provided a wallet address have each been sent a limited edition Fantom NFT as a thank-you.
The motivation for this study was twofold. As mentioned, one priority is to understand users’ needs. But more importantly and less visible is the empathy such surveys help us develop with our community members. We place a premium on listening to you; we are stronger together. Thank you for participating.