Fantom Roadmap Q1 2020 Summary

Fantom Roadmap Q1 2020 Summary

Despite the ongoing COVID-19 Pandemic around the world, the Fantom Foundation has been working hard to develop open-source technology, and bring opportunities to the platforms.

Earlier in the year, the foundation released its roadmap and vision for 2020, with objectives set for each quarter. We are pleased to announce that most objectives for Q1 2020 have been achieved, and are summarised below:

  • Change “Downtime” to be a measurement for the total amount of time in (milli)seconds that the node was offline since they first started validating (Q1) — Completed

Previously, the “Downtime” calculation for each node was based on how long a node was down for, until the node was restarted. This change ensures that the Downtime calculation is based on the accumulated length of time the node was down for since the node began validating.

Pull Request:

  • Remove Proof of Importance metric (Q1) — Completed

The “Proof of Importance” metric is based on the formula given here:

Since the metric isn’t as important as others (such as ROI), we removed it.

  • Adding names to stakers as immutable strings on the network (Q1) — Completed

This change allowed stakers (i.e validators) to set a name (using a String) for their validator that is saved and reference for the network. Names are easier to read and identify with than addresses.

Pull Request:

This functionality was also added to the explorer api:

  • Versioning of config files (Q1) — Completed

Config files for an ABCI-compatible version of go-lachesis need to have different versions that can be downloaded and run, that are distinguishable from each other. This is important so earlier versions are compatible with more recent versions.

Pull Request:

  • Distinguish between rewards, self staked tokens and delegation fees collected from delegators (Q1) — Completed

Previously, the SFC did not distinguish between rewards, self staked tokens, and delegation fees from delegators. Instead, it simply showed the total rewards earned by a validator, which is a combination of both self staked tokens and delegation fees.

Therefore, modifications were made to both “_calcValidatorReward” and “_calcDelegationReward” functions, by passing in a custom value such as 0 for the “uint256 commission” parameter. For example, setting it to 0 for “_calcValidatorReward” gives the rewards from self staked tokens only.


  • List Desktop wallet build on Mac App Store and Windows Store (Q1) — In Progress

We have submitted the Desktop wallet to the Mac App Store, and is currently “Waiting for Review”.

This will allow users to download directly from the Mac App Store to their computers, without having to download a zip file and install. It will also allow us to automatically push out updates.

We’re still waiting for verification on our Microsoft Partner Account. We will upload the Windows build once approved.

  • Release branding/press kit (Q1) — Completed

We prepared a fantastic branding/press kit, that is publicly available to the community:

These will also be available for download on our new website.

  • Launch website (Q1) — Completed gives an overview of the DeFi tools we want to develop and launch for the community.

  • Change mnemonics from 12 to 24 words for increased security (Q1) — Completed

For our Web, desktop, and mobile wallets, all mnemonics generated for new wallets are now 24 words. 24-word mnemonics are more secure, and they are harder to guess.

Restoring a wallet generated by a 12-word mnemonics still works.Commit:


  • Complete Metamask integration guide with Web3JS and Lachesis (Q1) — In Progress

GoFantom, one of the development arms of the Foundation, are currently building a new Metamask tool for Fantom’s wallets and developers. This will allow developers and users to take full advantage of all the features of Metamask within the Opera Chain:


  • Launch initial blockchain project with Chekkit, Ministry of Health, and 1–2 private companies in Afghanistan (Q1) — In-progress

Fantom and our technology partner Chekkit are in the process of launching an initial blockchain project. On 27 March 2020, the Afghan government announced a three-week lockdown, slowing down the process. Nevertheless, it is still moving ahead.

  • Announce additional partnerships in Afghanistan with the government and private companies (Q1-Q2) — In Progress

Fantom has agreed to commence a blockchain pilot program with another Ministry in Afghanistan. Unfortunately, due to lockdown across Kabul, the pilot program and announcement will not be made until the lockdown has expired.

All government ministries have been shut down for the duration of the lockdown, except for the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of the Interior, and other security institutions.