Fantom General Update | June 28 2021

Fantom General Update | June 28 2021

What has been going on in the last 14 days? Give it a read!

Fantom listing on Gemini and Bitfinex

FTM has been listed on Bitfinex and Gemini.

Gemini is the first listing for FTM on a regulated US exchange, providing a USD on-ramp to FTM holders. Michael Kong wrote an introduction article about Fantom for Gemini. Check it out here.

Bitfinex has listed mainnet FTM, enabling easier onboarding for new Fantom users.

👉 Bitfinex Announcement

👉 Gemini Announcement

Governance proposals are live

Anyone can now create on-chain governance proposals that FTM stakers can vote on. Have a say in the future direction of Fantom and head to to create a proposal.

Fantom onchain governance

Overview of the Fantom ecosystem

Fantom ecosystem

Take a look at the network developments and how the ecosystem evolved. Network upgrades, tools, DeFi, government projects and more - all in one place.

👉 The Fantom ecosystem

Fantom case study by AWS

AWS surprised us with their case study about Fantom. With Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2), Fantom optimized its platform’s speed and security and was recognized as the one of the fastest blockchain platforms in April 2021.

👉 Fantom case study by AWS

Incentivized Curve pools on Fantom

Curve liquidity providers on Fantom will now be rewarded with CRV tokens in the 2pool and fUSDT pool.

On top of that, Curve has added a renBTC <-> WBTC pool on Fantom.

Incentivized AnySwap USDC pool on Fantom

You can earn ANY tokens by adding USDC(Fantom) liquidity to the Anyswap pool on Fantom. This allows users to easily bridge their USDC from other networks to Fantom.

👉 How to liquidity mine on Anyswap and Fantom

EthSign now supports Fantom

With EthSign, you can send and sign electronic agreements in a verifiable manner, similar to DocuSign, but with Web3 technologies for transparency, trustlessness, and reliability.

Fantom network stats

  • 300,000+ transactions a day
  • 195,000+ unique addresses
  • 63% of FTM is staked

Kasper, an awesome community member, further optimized his RPC balancer to make it easier for you to send transactions.

🐋 Simone was interviewed by UniWhales, talking about long-term strategy, the Fantom ecosystem and more.

📺 A second interview with Simone took place on the Covalent Livestream. Ganesh, CEO of Covalent, Sid from SpiritSwap and Simone talked about building scalable blockchain ecosystems.