Fantom General Update | December 28 2020

This week’s Fantom update, holiday edition 🎅

Fantom enters electricity pilot program in Afghanistan

Fantom has signed an agreement with DABS to develop a pilot system for making energy infrastructure in Afghanistan more efficient and transparent. The pilot includes a database migration, an ERP and a CRM platform, all powered by blockchain.
DABS is Afghanistan’s national electricity company. Upon a successful pilot, both parties are looking to expand the business partnership and to fully implement Fantom’s solution at scale.
Learn more about the partnership with DABS
Fantom partners with API3 to bring Opera-native first-party oracles to life

With a native integration of Fantom into API3’s platform, developers can access fully decentralized and blockchain-native data feeds on Opera. For the Fantom ecosystem, it’s a great addition to the existing array of oracle options on top of Opera, as dAPI’s give access to data that is aggregated right from the source.
Fantom, the Ethereum helper

Ethereum is a great ecosystem for DeFi and other dApps. It is here to stay and thrive. Fantom aims to support Ethereum in areas it currently has some weaknesses, such as performance and costs. To make this vision a reality, we are working on improving Lachesis even more, building innovative dApps and creating bridges from and to Ethereum.
The Fantom ecosystem in one picture

How does Fantom Finance work?
We made an infographic to explain how all the different components interact with each other.

Fantom network stats
Liquid Staking allows FTM delegators to mint sFTM in a 1:1 ratio of their staked FTM. These sFTM can then be used as collateral in Fantom Finance.
164 million sFTM have already been minted, increasing the capital efficiency of the protocol without reducing security.

- The breached data from the Ledger database hack has been published. The leaks contain physical addresses, emails and phone numbers of 270k+ Ledger customers. If you are affected, this thread (and the whole subreddit) might be helpful!
- Coinmetrics with a recap of the crypto year 2020. From the march dump to the DeFi rally, here’s your quick review of the market.
- A DAO masterclass from Aaron Wright, cofounder of OpenLaw, The LAO, Flamingo DAO and professor at Cardozo Law School.

We have seen great participation from Fantom’s network of independent validator nodes in Marlin’s StakeDrop. Seventeen validators are already taking part in the StakeDrop. This allows their delegators to earn MPOND tokens in a few easy steps.