Getting started with Blockpour

Getting started with Blockpour

In April this year, the data aggregation and analytics platform Blockpour released the public beta version of its app with Fantom support.

Blockpour offers traders DeFi data and analytical tools to optimize their trading and anticipate investment opportunities. One of Blockpour’s many advantages is that it operates node infrastructure for supported chains. This enables the platform to extract trading data with unprecedented speed and to offer users truly real-time data on DEX trades, liquidity flows, and more.

Blockpour, which supported Fantom at its launch, is chain-agnostic and has moved quickly to integrate leading chains, with many more on the way.

In this blog post, we offer a quick start guide illustrating some of the extensive capabilities of this innovative platform.

Blockpour quickstart guide

The Blockpour app is incredibly easy to access, and the modern and streamlined user interface organizes extensive data into easily navigable tables and charts.

Access Fantom blockchain data

Visit Blockpour and launch the app to arrive at the main screen displaying multi-chain data. Expand the Explore menu on the left-hand side of the screen and click on Pair Explorer.

Click on Fantom to drill down. Here, you can see the top tokens by trade volume and heavily traded tokens. The page updates automatically, approximately every five minutes. Clicking on any displayed token will take you to the dedicated token dashboard with more data.

Search for token data

The Pair Explorer page also allows you to search for tokens via the search bar at the top left-hand side of the screen.  In this example, we search for WFTM. Note that the displayed search results indicate the chains on which the token is active.

The token dashboard

Clickingthe first WFTM result will take you to the token dashboard. From here, you have access to a range of options and information, including:

  • Charts with advanced charting options for technical analysis
  • Recent trades across supported DEXs
  • Liquidity across supported DEXs

Clicking on the Price/Liquidity tab displays available liquidity, indicating potentially optimal DEXs for trading.

Cross-chain token analysis

Blockpour tracks multi-chain data, enabling you to explore Fantom tokens and projects on other chains. Let’s look at FTM on the Ethereum network.

Click on Trade Report on the left-hand side of the screen to access valuable information about active exchanges, trading frequency, and more.

This guide covers just a fraction of what you can do on Blockpour. Launch the app to begin exploring.

About Blockpour

Blockpour is a multi-chain data analytics platform that provides traders with the tools and metrics they need to navigate the world of DeFi. Crypto traders can leverage Blockpour’s real-time data and intuitive cross-chain interface to identify trends across DEXs, dApps, and AMMs to discover their alpha.

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About Fantom

Fantom is a fast, scalable, and secure layer-1 EVM-compatible platform built on a permissionless aBFT consensus protocol. On Fantom, transactions are confirmed in about 1 second and cost just a few cents. Speed, low transaction costs, and high throughput make Fantom ideal for DeFi applications and real-world use-cases.

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