FTMscan – new Fantom mainnet explorer

FTMscan – new Fantom mainnet explorer

We’re very excited to announce the release of FTMscan. FTMscan is a new Fantom mainnet explorer made by the Etherscan team.

The new explorer expands the current explorer's functionality with new features such as top accounts, verified contracts, and statistics, among others.

The interface is very similar to Etherscan; Ethereum users and developers will feel at home using FTMscan.

Verified contracts

Verified contracts are an essential resource for developers and end-users alike, since they can make sure they’re interacting with a legit contract. Once a contract is verified, the code will appear on the explorer.

Like on Etherscan, FTMscan users can audit and read the code and interact with the contracts directly.

Verified contracts on Fantom

Top accounts

Top accounts shows the leaderboard of FTM Opera holders, sorting them by balance.

Top wallets on Fantom Opera

Charts and statistics

Charts and statistics are an invaluable tool to measure on-chain traffic and network usage.

Statistics on Fantom network


We’re very grateful to the Etherscan team for working on this. FTMscan is a complete explorer and makes it easy for developers to build on Fantom.