Fantom General Update | July 26 2021

Fantom General Update | July 26 2021

Your Fantom update for the last 14 days!

800%+ TVL growth on Fantom in 3 months

TVL on Fantom has been skyrocketing in the past 3 months to new heights of $365m.

This rapid growth confirms the quality of developers and projects that Fantom is attracting to the network as well as the users’ trust.

The top 10 projects on Fantom by TVL (DeFiLlama):

Fantom’s TVL growth has also been reported by BusinessInsider.

👉 Get more info on the projects attracting TVL in our blog post

Fantom researchers propose breakthrough solution for smart contract testing

The new mechanism increases testing speed by 200% on single-threaded processors and minimizes storage requirements by 60%.

To date, testing a smart contract has involved using one of three impractical options: archive nodes, full nodes, or testnet. Each of these is limited by scalability/speed and high data storage overhead.

Fantom researchers from Yonsei University and the University of Sydney propose an off-the-chain testing environment built on a transaction “record and replay mechanism.” The recorder component of this solution captures substates, or snapshots of the blockchain containing only relevant environment and state parameters.

👉 Read more

Fantom at the 2nd DeFi Virtual Summit by SCB10X

Michael Kong sat down with Celia Wan to give a full overview of Fantom and how to become a next-gen layer 1 solution.

QuickNode adds Fantom support

Using Quicknode’s elastic APIs, developers can launch nodes that handle even the most extreme demand.

Read the announcement

Fantom customer story on the AWS Youtube channel

Fantom CEO Michael Kong sat down for an interview with Aley Hammer from AWS cloud.

Michael talked about how Fantom works, the growth of Fantom in the past months, the work we're doing in Central Asia with Government pilots and the rising interest in CBDC.

July AMA recap

You can read the recap of the last Fantom AMA with Michael Kong (CEO Fantom Foundation), Sam Harcourt (Director of Asia Operations) and John Morris (Head of US Operations) which was hosted by FTM Alerts.

👉 Read the recap

👉 Alternatively, you can watch the VOD.

D’CENT wallet integrates native FTM and Fantom ERC-20 tokens

With D’CENT, a biometric hardware wallet, you can now manage your FTM, Fantom ERC-20 tokens and access Fantom dApps.

Fantom network stats

With increasing TVL (+800%), we have also seen a strong increase in addresses (+285%) and daily transactions (+500%) over the last 3 months.

🎧 Simone and Harish from Covalent talked with FTMAlerts about the success of the One Million Wallets hackathon and showed the awesome entries of participants.