Fantom General Update | 3rd December 2020

Your bi-weekly dose of Fantom!

Fantom working with VIDT for blockchain-proof luxury watch certificates
NFTs can be used to anchor physical goods on blockchains to provide tamper-proof authentication. Read how Fantom and VIDT use NFTs to verify the originality of Rolex vintage watches.
How NFTs can be used for luxury goods
Tutorial: How to be an LP on Fantom AnySwap
Learn how to provide FTM and ANY tokens to earn trading fees in this awesome video by one of our community members.
Fantom developer documentation reworked
We rewrote our developer documentation to make it easy for developers to build on Fantom. Read about Lachesis and how to deploy fast and scalable dApps on Fantom.
Fantom network stats
AnySwap on Fantom is growing. Seven liquidity pools have been deployed so far. Across these pools, 7,896,358 wFTM have been added as liquidity by our community, earning an estimated APY of up to 225%.

- Fantom’s technical advisor Andre Cronje is developing Deriswap, a protocol for capital efficient swaps, futures, options and loans.
- The Coinmetrics team looked at on-chain data to evaluate the driver behind the latest Bitcoin rally. Also check out their analysis of the DeFi market, which shows that the next DeFi wave may soon be on the horizon.
- ICYMI: Gabriel Shapiro’s analysis how YFI is most likely not a security.