Fantom General Update 10.5.20

A recap of the last 2 weeks in the Fantom universe!

Milestone reached: 1,000,000 fUSD minted & Fantom Finance video released
To celebrate the milestone of $1,000,000 minted fUSD, we dropped a sleek little video summary of what Fantom Finance offers.
Thank you to the community again for reaching the milestone so quickly!
Metamask integration for the Fantom wallet
FTM holders can now access the wallet using Metamask.
Developers can integrate Metamask into their Fantom dApps, which makes porting Ethereum dApps even easier.
AMA summary
On September 23rd, we held our monthly AMA on Discord and many people joined and asked questions. Thanks to everyone!
Some highlights:
- We are currently developing a Uniswap fork on Fantom
- Cross-chain bridges from and to Opera are on the roadmap
- The focus of fSwap will be on synthetics for large caps first, like BTC and ETH
The whole AMA is available in our AMA channel on Discord!
Interview with Band Protocol on Mr Kristof’s Youtube channel
We talked about our partnership with Band Protocol and the launch of Fantom Finance.
Hyperchain Capital is bullish on DeFi
Stelian Balta, the CEO of Hyperchain Capital, one of our investors, announced that the company is looking to extend their DeFi investments.
“DeFi is the fastest growing segment that’s using the blockchain. At HyperChain, we continue to look to invest in these innovative technologies and projects. There are several new platforms evolving, especially the promising ones like Fantom Finance. Now it has become one of the most interesting DeFi projects in the industry.”

Fantom network stats
After the launch of fMint on September 18th, we can already celebrate 300,000,000 FTM locked on Fantom Finance used to mint almost $1,700,000 worth of fUSD 🥳. That's a 100% increase in a bit more than a week!

- Interested in what Andre is building with yearn? He is dropping some insights in his new interview with Delphi Digital.
- The Defiant started a DeFi 101 series on Youtube. DeFi 101 will serve as an introduction into decentralized finance, with 30 planned episodes. Watch the pilot (and subscribe. Seriously, do it).
- The U.S. Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) has published fresh guidance, officially clarifying national banks can provide services to stablecoin issuers in the U.S. Coindesk.

A special shoutout to everyone following and engaging with us on Twitter! September has been impressive with the launch of Fantom Finance and all the news surrounding it.
1.13M Impressions, an increase of 159% month-over-month and 2,643 mentions, 110% more than in August. You're awesome!

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