Extending the Incentive Program to Blockchain Game Projects

Extending the Incentive Program to Blockchain Game Projects

Hands down, Fantom has been attracting some of the most innovative developers in the blockchain space, many of whom are working on dApps that are at the forefront of defining GameFi.

To support both these builders and the broader diversity projects building on the Fantom ecosystem, we are pleased to extend the previously announced 370,000,000 FTM incentive program to all blockchain-based and NFT-based games. All eligible projects may apply.


The Incentive Program will scale, depending on your level of active users, from 500,000 FTM up to 5,000,000 FTM. The minimum requirements for the four levels of awards are:

  • Indie | 30,000+ Active Users per month for more than 3 consecutive months
  • Knighthood | 65,000+ Active Users per month for more than 3 consecutive months
  • AAA | 175,000+ Active Users per month for more than 3 consecutive months
  • Global Domination | 300,000+ Active Users per month for more than 3 consecutive months

Defining Active Users

Active users are represented by unique wallets that engage in some form of in-game/platform action.

An active user/unique wallet must also fulfill all of the following three criteria:

  1. The wallet is at least one month old (i.e., the first transaction the wallet executed was at least one month ago)
  2. The wallet performs at least 14 in-game transactions a week.
  3. The wallet must hold the equivalent of at least $50 in tokens (FTM or otherwise) on the Fantom network.

This definition of “Active User” is intended to distinguish genuine users from bots that create thousands of fictitious users.

How to Apply

  1. A team can apply for rewards if the criteria for one of the levels (Indie, Knighthood, AAA, or Global Domination) are fulfilled.
  2. We’ll open a submission form, where teams can provide information about the project, a publicly-verifiable team address (preferably a multi-sig), and active wallet interactions. Rewards may be used without restriction.

Rewards distribution

  • Once the Foundation has approved the application, a one-month-long cliff commences, after which rewards will start to vest monthly.
  • If the monthly active users drops below the minimum level (for Indie), rewards will be paused until the Active User count regains 30k. For higher levels, falling under a respective level will simply move the reward tier back to the previous level. Conversely, rising numbers of active users (for instance, moving from 30K to 65k+ users) can qualify a project for higher rewards during the vesting period.
  • The program applies to both new and existing NFT or gaming platforms on Fantom.

Fantom reserves the right to pause rewards indefinitely if fraudulent user activity is suspected of being included in the Active User threshold.

Use of rewards

We believe that builders and devs know best how to allocate funds, so there are no restrictions on award usage.

Supporting the Ecosystem

This rewards program is intended to support the long-term viability of our builders, whom we recognize as being among the most creative in the industry. We look forward to creative ideas that will define the future of blockchain gaming!

For any further questions, reach out to us at gaming@fantom.foundation.